Prerequisite type theory
Quick type theory reference for understanding the model theory formalization

Table of Contents

1 Types and terms

A type is a collection of distinct terms (very similar to how a set is a collection of distinct values).

In set theory we write \((a \in A)\). In type theory we will instead write \((a : A)\).

2 Types vs. Sets (and universes)

Unlike sets, not all types are "on the same level". Each type belongs to a universe.

Most types that we are familiar with are in universe level 0. So, following statements are true –

(5 : ) -- this says that 5 has type ℕ
( : Type 0) -- this says that ℕ  has type level 0.
( : Type)   -- The default universe level is always 0.
(list  : Type) -- A list of natural numbers has the same type as ℕ itself
(list Type : Type 1) -- A list of types belongs to a higher universe.

Note that (list Type) is a weird object that we will never have to deal with in our day-to-day usage of lean.

Important note: Even though we use types instead of sets in lean, this does not mean that lean has no sets! Sets in lean have their own meaning, distinct from the sets we are used to in set theory.

3 Props

Prop denotes the type of all propositions. Props are types at a level below Type 0. They are the type of all true/false statements.

Whenever we are dealing with a statement that might be true or false, it is of type Prop.

Here are some example uses of Prop.

is_prime :   Prop
congruent_triangles : Triangle  Triangle  Prop
greater_than_2 :   Prop := λ (x : ), x > 2

Note that is_prime 5 is a term of type Prop, but so is is_prime 6. We get two Prop terms for free in lean (true : Prop) and (false : Prop). For everything else, we need a proof of equality. This means that (is_prime 6 = false) is itself a Prop that needs a proof.

4 Finite types

4.1 empty

This is the type that contains no terms. (Think of this as an analogue of the empty set).

Since empty has no terms, if you ever encounter an element (a : empty) then this is an indication that we have made a mistake somewhere. This is similar to how we can never have an element \(a \in \emptyset\).

4.2 unit

This is the type that contains a exactly one term.

If we need a way to reference this term…

#check  -- this has type unit
-- unit
#check ()  -- this is another way to refer to
-- unit
example : () = := rfl

We can also think of this as the type of "truth" while empty is the type of "false".

4.3 bool

This is the type that contains exactly two terms. The terms are denoted (tt : bool) and (ff : bool). Note that bool is not the same as Prop, tt is not the same as true, and ff is not the same as false.

4.4 fin

fin n denotes the type that contains \(n\) elements. fin 0, fin 1, fin 2 have the special names empty, unit, and bool respectively.

Terms of fin n are merely the integers \(0\) to \(n-1\).

Use fin when you wish to construct a type with of a given cardinality.

Author: Vaibhav Karve

Created: 2021-02-24 Wed 13:43
